General manager Ruben Amaro needs to go according to most Phillies fans.
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Despite a payroll $50 million more than any NL East rival, the Phillies finished in last place this season. Attendance dropped 7,000 per game. OK, now somebody has to explain how GM Ruben Amaro convinced his bosses that the real problem was his aide Marti Wolever – who was fired last week – and not him. Seriously?
Some other idle thoughts:
- NFL commissioner Roger Goodell wants fans to believe that even though there is audio proof of the league receiving the Ray Rice elevator tape, which was sent directly to the head of NFL security, neither Goodell nor his associates saw the assault until last month. Nobody is that stupid. Not even Cowboy fans.
- Only in the logic-impaired world of the NFL does Eagles tackle Jason Peters get a bigger fine ($10,000) for protecting his quarterback than the thug who tried to hurt Nick Foles, Washington’s Chris Baker ($8,268.) Is it possible the NFL ignored the tape of that incident, too?
- Derek Jeter’s last game at Yankee Stadium — which included a room-service fastball right down the middle for the winning hit – belonged on Broadway, where scripted events are the norm. Jeter was a great baseball hero, but his opponents were way too eager to glorify him during his fawning goodbye.
- Sixers GM Sam Hinkie hired a statistical guru named Ben Falk – whose nickname is “Wiz” because of his computer acumen – last week as the vice president of basketball strategy. Because no pro sports team run by Sam Hinkie ever has enough nerds.