“A penny saved is a penny earned.”
Ben Franklin is credited with coining the phrase more than 200 years ago, and it’s that adage that has apparently brought about the destruction of the founding father’s resting place.
Visitors to one of Philadelphia’s favorite politician’s graves at the Christ Church Burial Ground toss tens of thousands of pennies on Franklin’s marble headstone in tribute of his smart financial advice. The simple ledger tablet has recently developed a significant crack from the tradition, and the Christ Church Preservation Trust is seeking funds to repair it through a fundraising campaign. The Trust requires an additional $10,000 by Dec. 31 to supplement foundation grants for repairs, according to itsGoFundMe page.As of Tuesday morning, the #SaveBenFranklinproject, created on Nov. 1, had raised just $1,200. Franklin was one of the seven signers of the Declaration of Independence. He died in 1790, and is buried across the street from Independence Mall.
Ben Franklin’s gravestone needs your help

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