The body found in Darby Creek Wednesday is that of an11-year-old boy who had been missing since Monday,police said. Laquan Lattimore, a 6th grader at Sharon Hill elementary whose disappearance sparked the involvement of the FBIwas found in the creek near Prospect Park. Police say he appears to have drowned accidentally. Folcroft Police Cpl. Christopher Eiserman said police are still investigating to find out exactly what happened to Lattimore. The have not located his backpack or his bike.
Neighbors and family said Lattimore lived to ride his bike, and he was known to go for long rides to southwest and west Philadelphia. But he always came home.
While the search was ongoing, his family held out hope that he was with a large group of kids who were out riding.
“He’s never stayed out late before,” said his uncle, Wendell Zellars, of West Philadelphia.
All the while, police had established checkpoints near Lattimore’shome, where they could be seen checking car trunks.
Chezney Burnett, who drove Lattimore to school and whose son played with Lattimore said he had recently come back from a ride telling neighborhood kids that he found a lake. Burnett didn’t believe him, and told him that there were no lakes in Folcroft. Police do not know where Lattimore entered the water.
Folcroft police are asking anyone who may have seen Lattimore to call with tips at610-522-1300.