Talk about a bad education.
Chester County authoritieson Wednesday arresteda married4x-year-old substitute teacher’s aide with having sexual relations with two teen boys she met while working atUnionvilleHighSchool.
SheriMaufortallegedly lured two teen boys into private encounters where she performed various sex acts on them while working at the school in August and September, according to the Chester County D.A.’s Office. Since 2015, Maufortwas employed by a private company that supplied temporary staff to various school districts. She was working as asubstitute teacher’s aidefor theUnionville-ChaddsFord School District at aUnionvilleHigh Schoolwhen she allegedly met the two male students with whom she later “engaged in sexual contact,” according to prosecutors. In the first incident,Maufortallegedly texted the student, who wasunder 18, that “she was near his house and wanted to hang out with him,” according to the criminal complaint.
She picked the teen up in her car, and while driving gave him beer and liquor and told him to “Drink up,” before parking outside a restaurant in Birmingham Township, ChesterCounty, according to the complaint. After arriving and parking her car at the restaurant, they walked into a grassy area by the rear parking lot. The teen told police that he felt intoxicated, and that Maufort kissed him and performed oral sex on him, while asking him “not to tell anyone” until he asked her to stop due to concerns that they might be seen. At this point, Maufort’shusband arrived at the restaurant and offered the teen a ride home. While he was leaving, Maufort “to call her when he turned 18,” prosecutors said. Police say that three weeks,Maufortran into anotherUnionvilleHigh School student who was 18 and at a party after a high school football game.
She allegedly took the student out of the neighborhood in her car,parked, then allegedly kissed and fondled the teen, before driving him back to the party.
The incidents were reported to law enforcement on Nov. 11 by a Unionville High School assistant principal.
“Rule No. 1 for school staff is: ‘DO NOT HAVE SEXUAL CONTACT WITH A STUDENT,'”Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said in a statement. “If you break thisrule, you will be fired, sent to jail, and never work in a school again.” Unionville-Chadds Ford Superintended John Sanville condemned the alleged misconduct.
“We immediately reported this incident to law enforcement,” Sanville said ina statement. “We now will begin the difficult task of addressing this incident with our students, parents, and teachers.” Maufort faces charges of institutional sexual assault, endangering the welfare of a child, and providing alcohol to minors.
Chesco teacher’s aide arrested for alleged sexual encounters with teens
