On Thursday, City Paper will publish its investigation into what a Philadelphia police officer who admitted to perjury was intending to cover up and whyit took the District Attorney more than three years to file charges. Officer Christopher Hulmes, 42, a 19-year veteran of the Narcotic Strike Force,was arrested last Thursday and suspended for 30 days with intent to dismiss. Under questioning from a defense lawyer in court in December 2011, Hulmesadmitted to lying on a search-warrant application and at a preliminary hearing involving a Kensington drug-and-gun case. During that lapse, prosecutors continued to call Hulmes to testify in criminal trials that sent drug defendants to prison. Some of those convictions could end up being overturned.
But Hulmes’ conduct wasn’t investigated until after City Paper published an August 2014 report by Daniel Denvir on the officer’s conduct. After publication, police put Hulmeson desk duty and immediately began an investigation. “The DA’s office credited our story with bringing to light the fact that they had mishandled the case. They failed turn over to defense lawyers information about the perjury, and kept calling a cop to testify even though his credibility was zero. How could you say those defendants got a fair trial?” said City Paper editor in chief Lillian Swanson. “These are the stories that make a difference in people’s lives.” City Paper and Metro Philly are both owned by Metro US.
Check newstands and citypaper.net Thursdayfor the full story.
City Paper examines story behind cop’s arrest