STORM WATCH: School District of Philadelphia schools closed Monday

school philadelphia schools
Charles Mostoller / Metro File Photo

All School District of Philadelphia schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 6, due to the anticipated winter storm.

The City of Philadelphia’s government offices will also be closed on Monday for the same reasons.

Forecasters are calling for 2-to-4 inches of snow in the Philadelphia area, and the National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory from 1 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 6.

Mayor Cherelle Parker has advised motorists to avoid unnecessary travel on Monday and exercise caution when driving.

City officials added that Streets Department crews are planning to pre-treat major roadways to help prevent ice from forming, and will have snowplows and other equipment on the streets in the event of a major storm.

More information about the city’s storm prep is available on and through ReadyPhiladelphia alerts.