The U.S. Secret Service revealed its plan for security when Barack Obama, Hilllary Clinton and other top Democrats come to Philadelphia for their party’s convention in just over two weeks.
All roads around the Wells Fargo Center and through adjoining FDR Park will be permanently closed during the Democratic National Convention (DNC), according to a map released Thursday by the Secret Service. The includes much of Pattison Avenue north of the center, and Broad Street from south of the Center up to Packer Avenue.
All road closures and new security measures will take effect on July 23 around noon and be in effect until the evening of July 29, the Secret Service said in a press release. The DNC is running July 25-28. I-95 south of the Center is listed as a “commercial traffic restricted road,” meaning commercial vehicles weighing more than five tons won’t be allowed to pass. Passenger vehicles will be permitted on highways during the DNC, but I-95 exit ramps to South Philly near the DNC (exit 17) will be closed. All roads through FDR Park, where protesters will be stationed, are going to be closed.
A limited number of roads around Wells Fargo Center will be open to authorized vehicles.
“Fencing, other physical barriers and uniformed law enforcement officers will also be utilized to enforce vehicle restricted zones and road closures,” the Secret Service said.
About 50,000 delegates, politicians and visitors are expected to attend the DNC, while thousands are expected to turn out for a variety of protests.
From above, the entire Philadelphia metropolitan area has been designated “secure airspace” for the duration of the convention, July 25 to 28 by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Drones are also banned from flying anywhere within 30 nautical miles of downtown Philadelphia, which the Secret Service lists as including FDR Park, from July 25 to 28.
Access to the DNC
Only credentialed or ticketed individuals can enter the convention and will be subject to “thorough” security screenings, according to the Secret Service.
Banned items
These items will be seized and not returned if found by security:
Animals other than service/guide dogs
DNC road closures revealed by Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service
Bags exceeding size restriction 18” x 13” x 7”
Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems
Glass, thermal, or metal containers
Laser pointers
Mace/Pepper spray
Selfie sticks
Supports for signs and placards
Toy guns
Weapons of any kind
Any other items determined to be potential safety hazards