Looking for some fun and unique things to do in Philly this weekend? We’ve got you covered.
Libertee Grounds
This Saturday, April 1, Libertee Grounds is hosting a mini golf tournament in honor of the PGA’s Masters Tournament held in Augusta, Georgia. Earlier this month, the venue held a 50-person qualifier round with the top 24 scorers advancing to the Master’s Tournament this weekend. The winner will receive a custom green jacket, a pair of Phillies tickets, their name on the official LG Masters Trophy, and free mini golf for a year.
Spectators can watch the tournament this Saturday and also, participate in the Grounds’ second annual Beer Fest featuring 15 local breweries. Philadelphians can purchase bottomless tasting tickets which include your own LG branded glassware, as well as individual and discounted bundle tickets ($45-$55 per person), which can be purchased via Tock.

1600 W. Girard Ave., Suite C5, liberteegrounds.com
Luk Fu
Located inside Live! Casino & Hotel, Asian fusion restaurant Luk Fu is hosting its own Cherry Blossom Festival until Sunday, April 16, with a special menu filled with traditional dishes and creative cocktails. With the restaurant adorned with the pink-and-white trees and bouquets, Philadelphians can indulge in a variety of items such as the beef tenderloin with asparagus in a spicy black bean sauce and shrimp with string beans in a garlic sauce. Bar-wise, patrons can also sip on different themed cocktails, such as the Cherry Blossom Bellini and Razzberry Gimlet. Reservations are available.
900 Packer Ave., philadelphia.livecasinohotel.com
‘The American Revolution’
Now through April 1, Philadelphians will be able to check out a 50-minute retelling of our nation’s history blending imaginative physical theater with tongue-in-cheek humor. Theater Unspeakable’s new show, ‘The American Revolution,’ features a seven-actor cast performing entirely atop a three-by-seven-foot platform to recreate the fight from Lexington to Yorktown, imitating the American struggle for independence using their bodies, voices, and the audience’s imagination, a release states.
The show will play at the Christ Church Neighborhood House until its last performance this Saturday. Tickets and more information can be found online.
20 N. American St., americanrevolutiontheshow.com
Staying Power at the Philadelphia Zoo
Staying Power: Be Distinct or Go Extinct will open at the cultural institution on April 1, and the new springtime activation will feature 25 life-sized animatronic dinosaurs and super-sized animatronic insects. With these new additions, Philadelphians will be able to discover the physical traits, behaviors and special skills that allowed insects to survive long after the dinosaurs went extinct.
With Staying Power, visitors can view a variety of different dinosaurs and insects: From a 60-foot-long roaring and moving Giganotosaurus, (aka a carnivore believed to be even larger than the T-Rex,) to a 15-foot-tall peacock jumping spider that demonstrates its mating dance, and a few other large creatures in between.
Philadelphians will feel the magnitude of the event right from the start—to enter Staying Power, guests will have to walk through an Earth-themed portal and embark on the “Dinosaur Trail.” The trail is a pathway that winds among dinosaurs that roar, move their tail, and even bend over so you can look them directly in the eye. Staying Power opens to the public Saturday, April 1, and to Philadelphia Zoo members Thursday, March 30. The Zoo is open daily 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and last entry to Staying Power is 4 p.m.
3400 W. Girard Ave., philadelphiazoo.org
Philly Theatre Week
This weekend holds some of your last chances to check out everything Philly Theatre Week has to offer. Running until April 2, the cultural event will highlight over 100 different opportunities for audiences to immersive themselves into productions, readings, exclusive pre-sales and special events in Philadelphia, Delaware, South Jersey, Bucks County and the Main Line and western suburbs.
2023’s rendition of this annual activation features something new this year as well—pay-what-you-can tickets for every single production involved in the activation. Experiences range from classics, experimental theatre, improv, readings, workshops, and more for Philly Theatre Week. As a release states, tickets are available on the Philly Theatre Week website, phillytheatreweek.com and audiences can reserve tickets there. Some shows are offering limited pay what you can tickets to each performance, but once Theatre Week tickets are sold out, audiences can contact the individual theatre for additional tickets at full price. A full schedule can be found online.