Home is where the art is at ever-evolving Fidget Space

Three-year-old Tristan follows his mother — dancer Megan Bridge — into the Fidget performance space as avant-garde dancers and designers prepare for a show. Bridge gently leads him back to her living room, where a patient uncle is waiting to mind him.

With an informal performance space practically in that living room, the line between home and career is blurred for Bridge and her husband, composer Peter Price. A 7×3-foot door is all that separates home from the stage in the converted Kensington warehouse. “It’s an experiment we’re trying. It’s an intimate vibe: hanging out in someone’s personal space, and an experimental performance happens while you’re there,” says Bridge.

Stop by Sunday from 8-11 p.m. for “Third Sunday,” an open-mic of sorts for digital artists that Bridge tells us will happen all winter, “whether we have heat or not!”