New Zealand winemaker brings Decibel Wines to Philly

Daniel Brennan returns home. Head to McCrossen’s tonight to try Brennan’s Decibel Wines. / Provided.

Philadelphia and New Zealand may be on opposite sides of the world but to winemaker Daniel Brennan, both places are home.

The Philly native is back in town tonight,Aug. 7, to host a Decibel Wines release party at McCrossen’s Tavern, which his family opened in the early ’90s. The McCrossen’s stop is part of a U.S. wine-promoting tour.

Brennan has always been a traveler. As a student studying wine chemistry at the Eastern Institute of Technology and then attending The Wine School of Philadelphia, he visited vineyards across the world. After getting his degree, Brennan continued to travel, managing indie rock band Seeking Homer as the Brooklyn-based band toured the U.S. And Canada — an experience that influences his non-traditional winemaking techniques. He moved to Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, and started Decibel Wines in 2009.

If you go:

Decibel Wines Release Party
Aug. 7, 7 to 10 p.m.
McCrossen’s Tavern
529 N. 20th St.