A member of Congress has called for an investigationinto groundwater contamination threatsat more than 600 military installations around the country.
Congressman Brendan Boyleissued a letter to the chair of theOversight and Government Reform Committeerequesting testimony from Navy and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials on the presence of perfluorinated compounds at military sites. The letter, delivered Monday, specifically mentions the Horsham Air Guard Station, an Air Force installation in Boyle’s congressional district. Boyle oversees Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional District, which includes parts of Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. Horsham was a Navy base from 1928-2011.
RELATED:Philly water quality questioned in wake of Flint lead crisis His call for a congressional hearing is the latest development in what has become a crisis for many living on or near the facility. Perfluorinated compounds (PFOSand PFOA), chemicals found in fire-fighting foams, are considered toxic and produce reproductive and developmental effects in lab tests, according to the EPA. According to the agency, PFOS were phased out of production between 2000 and 2002; production and use of PFOA was eliminated by the end of 2015. Still, the EPA says people can become exposed throughdrinking water if the chemicals have contaminated water supplies. “Concern among Horsham’s residents has significantly increased since the EPA tightened its health advisory guideline for these contaminants in our drinking water,”Boyle said in a press release posted to his Facebook page Monday.”A growing body of studies links these contaminants to various forms of cancer, thyroid disease and other health complications.” RELATED:Non-stick chemicals not tied to childhood growth The EPA has indicated that drinking water with acertain level of PFOS and PFOA – 70 parts per trillion–is not expected to produce adverse health effects, even over a lifetime of exposure.
Still, Boyle says officials have failed in their commitment to the public, alleging that the Navy and the EPA have not presented the “latest science and known health risks posed to our community.” These compounds, found in public and private water wells in Montgomery and Bucks counties, are the subject of a fierce debate among residents, who say theirlife-threatening health problems are a direct result of unregulated use. RELATED: New ‘miracle’ bottle turns air into water As of last month, residents in the Willow Grove, Warrington,Warminster and Horsham communities areeligible to receive free bottled water from the EPA if they have confirmed levels of the chemicals in their water.
Pa. congressman urges probe into contaminated water threat from military bases
