PAWS Safety Net program provides lifeline for pet owners in crisis


In 2022, Brittini and her cats Simba and Smokey, were experiencing homelessness and living in their car. 

Thanks to the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society, Brittini did not have to worry about her cats while finding a new home. Within six weeks, she was settled into a new apartment, and reunited with her pets. 

PAWS’ Safety Net Foster Program is designed to assist pet owners going through times of transition. Temporary care for their beloved animals in PAWS’ foster homes, while they get resettled or manage a difficult situation, provides pet owners with peace of mind, keeps animals out of shelters, and makes joyous reunions possible.

Brittini and her cats were the first family to find solace in PAWS’ Safety Net foster program. Since then, PAWS has supported more than 100 families by providing temporary care for 166 cats and dogs, and more than half have resulted in reunions. When reunions prove impossible, pets are matched with adoptive homes where they will be equally cherished and loved, and owners can find some relief knowing their pets are safe as they continue taking care of themselves.

“Countless beloved pets are safe, healthy, and in their homes where they belong, thanks to our rescue and safety net efforts,” says Lauren Hanak, PAWS’ director of development.

PAWS staff work to develop relationships with community members, making the organization a trusted resource people can turn to when new needs arise.

Since launching its pet pantry in 2020, PAWS has distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and litter, supporting over 10,000 households. Michelle Green’s is one of them. Green receives food for her two cats, Midnight and Tabitha. After being diagnosed with a health condition, her two cats have been a source of emotional support.

“I hope PAWS can continue this program,” says Green. “My best friend Heather and I started going during the pandemic when the price of everything went up. I would absolutely recommend utilizing PAWS’ pet food pantry program. I’ve referred several people I know, and I let them know how wonderful Allison and her team [at PAWS] are.”

With shelter intake in Philadelphia alarmingly high, providing support for families to keep their pets at home where they are loved – despite the challenging life circumstances they may be facing – is more important than ever.

To support the efforts of PAWS, its Paw it Forward fundraising campaign will return for its third year, from Aug. 6-8. Donations to Paw it Forward will be matched by the Landenberger Family Foundation and support Safety Net programs for pet owners such as subsidized veterinary care, temporary foster care, behavioral support and guidance, and PAWS’ pet pantry. All are aimed at making shelter surrender a last resort. 

This holistic approach is crucial to PAWS’ ultimate goal of keeping animals out of shelters and offering safe haven to those who have nowhere else to go. 

“Donations in support of Paw it Forward will ensure we can grow these important programs, offering hope to animals whose lives depend on it and to the people who love them,” said Hanak. 

Donors to Paw it Forward will receive a special care package, full of treats for humans and pets to enjoy, as well as an exclusive invitation to PAWS’ first ever Summer Soirée. For details, visit