Philadelphia bikeshare program expands with more docking points, e-bikes


In an effort to provide more accessibility to Philadelphia cyclists, as well as focusing on equitable growth, the city’s bikeshare program, Indego, is expanding in 2024.

The expansion is planned for Mill Creek/Parkside, Kingsessing, Kensington/Richmond, Wynnefield/Overbrook, and Upper East Falls.

Indego plans to add 750 new docking points, partitioned into 35-40 stations, and an additional 375 Indego e-bikes to the system this year. Over 100 additional classic bikes will also be deployed.

According to officials, at the conclusion of the 2024 expansion, the Indego bikeshare system will service Philadelphia with more than 5,500 docks and a fleet of nearly 3,000 bikes. This initiative is guided by the 2023 Indego Equity Plan – a five-year plan intended to establish a path for Indego to continue to grow and operate in an equitable manner.

Indego is also bringing back its single ride passes, in addition to 24-hour, monthly, and yearly ride passes.

“The City values our bikeshare program and the thousands of riders who have inquired about more convenient and flexible pass options,” said Waffiyyah Murray, Indego Program Manager, in a statement. “We believe the single ride pass will give Philadelphians a more practical solution for one-way trips that are paired with transit and rideshare.”

Indego ridership has increased steadily with last year’s total rides eclipsing the 1 million ride mark for the first time in the program’s history. In June, Indego celebrated a new record with 5,621 rides in a single day, and in 2023, Indego saw electric bike (e-bike) ridership surpass classic ridership for the first time.

The single ride pass can be purchased just like any other Indego pass. For more information and a complete list of locations where bikes are available, visit