Philadelphia Museum of Art hosts House Party

Philadelphia Museum of Art
Hughe Dillon

HughE Dillon is a Philadelphia-based photographer and creator of the PhillyChitChat blog. Follow him on Twitter @HughE_Dillon and on Instagram @PhillyChitChat.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art recently hosted nearly 1,000 people at its Community House Party. It was a night of live performances by Urban Movement Arts, Great On Skates, and REVIVAL! with Rashid Zakat, Lil Dave 215 and Oluwafemi. There was an artist takeover with Botanic Village, and guests could participate in a silk-screening activity with Fleisher Art and enjoy poetry from Dream Poet For Hire, as well as enjoy all the art they wanted as the museum was open for self touring.

Lady Alma, world renowned house music vocalist
Great on Skates a street style, freestyle group performed