The Philadelphia Police Department quietly stepped up its police presence at the Christmas Village in Center City after a terrorist drove a truck into a holiday market in Berlin.
“We’ve always maintained a police presence out there,” said Lt. John Stanford, spokesman for the police department. “When this occurred, we actually did increase our police presence. … Police presence will be noticeable in some situations.” The popular Christmas Village market of holiday shops is traditionally held in LOVE Park during the holiday season. This year it was moved to the City Hall courtyard and apron this year while the park is under renovation. Some patrons may have noticed bike cops on patrol at multiple points in and around the market.
In Berlin, authorities were still searching as of press-time for the suspect who drove a truck through a holiday market in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 48.
“We want people to know that we’re very aware of it, we’re cognizant of the fact that these things are occurring aroundthe world,” Stanford said. “The bad part about these situations is that when they occur, the attention they bring instills fear, and we want to try our best to not unnecessarily put people into a panic.” Stanford added that the police department is working closely with federal and state law enforcement partners on security in Philly.
Philadelphia police on alert after Berlin terror attack

Sam Newhouse