The man who sexually assaulted a 35-year-old woman in her home on the 1800 block of South Rosewood Street on Monday may have been behind another sexual assault in the area, police said Tuesday.
The victim of the recent assault, 35, was awoken at 4:30 a.m. by the masked suspect standing over her bed, police said.He placed his hand over her mouth, demanded cash and took $10 before sexually assaulting her, police say. He also took her house keys and her roommate’s ID when he left. Police believe the suspect may be behind a March 26 rape just blocks away on the 1700 block of Chadwick Street. In both cases, the suspect is described as wearing red gloves.
In the first incident, a sketch was created of the suspect, seen above.
In the second incident, the suspect was wearing a mask and no sketch was made.
Police described the suspect from the recent incident asa black male about 5’9″, with a medium build, in 20s to 30s.
Police believe same suspect may be behind two S. Philly rapes