A Philly prosecutor added a new wrinkle to the Porngate saga Wednesday when he said that Attorney General Kathleen Kane herself had received questionable messages.
Mark Gilson made the claim after the hearing at which Louise Bishop, who was ensnared in the undercover sting scandal that arguably set into motion the events that led to Porngate,pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges related to accepting a bribe. RELATED: Kane’s Porngate prosecutor claims he’s never looked at porn Gilson told reporters to ask Kane about the emails she and her twin sister received, the Inquirer reported — specifically58 emails her twin sister, Ellen Granahan,also a state prosecutor, received, and 11 that were forwarded to Kane. RELATED:Porngate fallout continues with judge charged, prosecutors transferred There was no further elaboration on the content or nature of the emails, and Gilson made no further comments, according to the Inquirer. A spokesman for Kane denied any knowledge of Kane receiving the emails. Kane, who faces contempt charges in Montgomery County for leaking confidential information to the mediaand was stripped of her law license,recently appointed a special prosecutor to investigate all the emails that were swapped among employees of the attorney general’s office and other state offices. The so-called “Porngate” scandal has led to calls for the firing of three Philly prosecutors, the resignation of a state Supreme Court justice, another justice being charged with violating judicial ethics, and a lawsuit filed against Kane by several individuals whose emails were released publicly.
Prosecutor: Kane received Porngate emails, too

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