The public will have the opportunity to bring their concerns to SEPTA officials regarding the proposed King of Prussia Rail Project in mid-November.
SEPTA announced Monday that public meetings will he held on Nov. 17 and Nov. 19 to update the public on its plans for extending the Norristown High Speed Line to stops in King of Prussia and Upper Merion Township. On Nov. 17 the meeting will be held at the Radisson Hotel at Valley Forge, 1160 First Avenue, in its Grand Ballroom.
On Nov. 19 the meeting will be held at the Norristown Municipal Building at 235 E. Airy St.
On both dates the meeting will last from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and SEPTA’s project team will make a presentation at 6:30 p.m.
“We’re still a good distance away from anything happening,” said SEPTA Spokesman Andrew Busch. “This is just to present the options that are available.”
The project, which has been in the works for some time, was given a boost after SEPTA received significant public funding with the passage of the $2 billion-transportation funding bill last November. SEPTA held similar meetings in January 2013.
SEPTA to hold public meetings on King of Prussia Rail Project