The Short Answer: How to keep those finicky Millennials in town?

The Short Answer, Week 3

There’s a lot of reporting on the 2015 mayoral race. Some of it is good, even admirable. Most of it is very long, and you know…. that’s not what we do here at Metro.

Welcome to Week 7 of The Short Answer.

Each week, we ask the mayoral candidates a question. Some will deal with personality, others policy. We give them 50 words to answer it, and yes, we do chop it down if we have to.

Want to ask the candidates something? Send it to

This week’s question:

There’s been some talk about keeping Millennials in the city. Some have talked about keeping bars open until 4 a.m. Others have pointed out that better public schools will anchor young voters here as they transition into parenthood. Let’s hear your ideas to stop the brain drain.

“To keep young Philadelphians in the City, we need to provide an environment that is flexible enough to allow them to pursue their career interests – whatever they may be — here in our City. We must continue our focus on sustainable communities and we must fix our broken educational system.” – Doug Oliver

“Philadelphia must improve its schools, enhance business services, and engage Millennials in government. This generation has grown-up on interactive platforms and procedures, and government should take this into account. I will make more government data available to be accessed and studied to make government more efficient and effective.” – Jim Kenney

“I support Rep. Jordan Harris’ bill, allowing PA municipalities to decide which businesses can stay open, and where they are concentrated. It would give Philly an opportunity to create late night entertainment zones. The additional revenue would be directed to schools — ensuring millennials get the night life they want and the schools they need.” – Tony Williams

“Later hours in Center City would be attractive to Millennials. But the biggest reasons Millennials leave Philadelphia are poor schools, lack of jobs, and high crime. Fix those core issues — particularly our education system, which is not working as we’d hope and expect — and Millennials will stay here in greater numbers.” – Nelson Diaz

“To keep Millennials in the city, we need to create good-paying jobs. I’m the only candidate with a real and specific plan to bring solutions to upgrade our education and job training, build world-class infrastructure, and ensure a safe, vibrant, livable city so we bring good-paying jobs to Philadelphia.” – Lynne Abraham