Philadelphia weatherman, former Metro columnist and founder of “Weather Savior” John Bolaris will appear as a contender in a September Celebrity Boxing match.
“I got hit with everything else in life, so let’s see if I can take one more left hook,” said Bolaris, 57, who will fight Sept. 20 and donate his earnings to charity.
“I know people will say, ‘Ah, what an idiot, he’s gonna go box’ — but I don’t care, I’m just gonna have some fun,” he said.
Celebrity Boxing founder and organizer Damon Feldman is using the hashtag “#heisback” for Bolaris’ match, since the first-ever Celebrity Boxing match in 1996 in featured Bolaris fighting Diego Ramos, a radio DJ.
Bolaris lost that time, but he’s hoping for better luck now and is already in training, he said.
His opponent will be announced later this week, Feldman said.
Celebrity Boxing has been called a “D-list” spectacle for featuring fights like disgraced Olympic skater Tonya Harding vs. Bill Clinton sex romp whistleblower Paula Jones, and Amy “Long Island Lolita” Fisher vs. Nadya “Octomom” Suleman. A match announced this spring between DMX and George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, was canceled.
“D-list, F-list, no-list, s—-list, whatever … I’m on the thing below a list,” Bolaris said. “I never thought of myself as a celebrity. I’m just a weatherman.”