A new poll released by Public Policy Polling shows state Rep. Dwight Evans dominating the 2nd District congressional race.
Evans, who has served in Harrisburg since 1980, is seeking the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Houseseat currently occupied by longtime congressman Chaka Fattah. Currently under indictment on federal corruption charges, Fattah still insists he’s running for reelection. PoliticsPA reported that the poll shows Evans leading the pack with 37 percent support of 2nd District primary voters. Trailing far behind Evans are:Rep. ChakaFattahwith21 percent; Lower MerionTownship Commissioner Brian Gordon with 8 percent; state Rep. Brian Sims with 6 percent; and, ward leader and gun control advocate Dan Muroff with 3 percent. RELATED: U.S. Rep. ChakaFattahchargedin bribery case Evans’ campaign commissioned the poll.
Political consultantMustafa Rashed mused on the implications of the poll for Philly Mag, sayingthat the news might create an insurmountable political positive feedback loop: Fundraising monies are used to finance polls which show Evans’ relative strength; those results are then used to raise more money which is then used to – well, you get the idea. “If Evans continues to raise money at this rate and the poll numbers continue to favor him, hold on,” Rashed said, “because we’re in for a wild ride in the 2nd.”
Evans fundraising has, indeed, been impressive.
Al Diá’s Max Marin reported last week that Evans has $280,000 in cash on hand. In contrast, state Rep. Brian Sims, who enjoys a nationwide fanbase,has $230,000.
Dwight Evans trounces Chaka Fattah, Brian Sims in 2nd District race poll

Pa. House of Representatives