FantasyPros: Examining the experts

The word “expert” gets thrown around often these days.

Hopefully, your doctor really is an expert. The person taking care of your finances better have some level of expertise. But is there such a thing as a fantasy expert? According to data compiled by the guys at, the answer is yes.

Co-founder David Kim started gathering data from various fantasy writers back in 2009. Right now, he’s tracking the weekly rankings for 70-plus experts — including everyone from big shots like ESPN’s Matthew Berry to the Net’s smaller fries. And what he’s found is that the same names keep popping up at the top of his accuracy rankings.

“If you look at the top guys in 2009 and how they’ve done in 2010 and 2011, there is surprising consistency among the top guys,” Kim said. “And to be honest with you, there’s also consistency year-to-year with the bottom guys.”

The idea behind FantasyPros was spawned by Kim, a decadelong fantasy player that was curious if the Internet advice he was getting was actually legit. The former VP hopes to one day put his current consulting firm on the back burner and focus on FantasyPros full time. His site is already processing a million predictions a year.

“There’s a huge sentiment that the experts don’t know what they’re talking about, yet everybody is looking for fantasy advice. So why not rate them and figure out whether they’re accurate or not,” Kim said.