Run in partnership with the Philadelphia Housing Authority, Nutritional Development Services, and other partners, the city will offer more than 300 child and youth meal sites this summer. This citywide and community based effort will ensure that all children and youth have access to free, healthy meals until the next school year begins. A full list and finder of student meal sites for summer is available online at
“When school is not in session, thousands of Philadelphia students need access to nutritious meals. We are grateful to the partners and volunteers working with us to ensure there are free meals available to children at more than 300 meal sites across the city this summer,” said Mayor Jim Kenney in a statement.

All children and youth up to age 18 in Philadelphia are eligible and no student ID is required. Most summer meal sites have already opened, and new ones are being added. Residents are encouraged to check for updates. Meals must be eaten on-site due to USDA regulations—most student meals are funded through the USDA’s Summer Food Services Program.
“The summer meals program reaches every corner of our city, a credit to our large network of volunteers and partner organizations,” said Vanessa Garrett Harley, Deputy Mayor of Philadelphia’s Office of Children and Families, in a statement. “I want to thank everyone involved for providing healthy meals to our youth and your commitment to tirelessly distribute meals.”
An up-to-date list of summer meal sites and schedules for all food sites and student meal sites is available on the city’s website.
The public is encouraged to confirm locations and schedules by calling 311 or visiting before going to a site. Residents can also find free summer meal sites by calling the Summer Meals Hotline at 215-770-4659, operated by the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, or residents can text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 to find a summer meal site. Families will receive a text back with the three closest meal sites. It is run by Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign.
“Parks & Recreation is committed to providing hundreds of summer meal sites for children this summer through our PlayStreets, PlayParks, recreation centers, and summer camps,” said Interim Parks & Recreation Commissioner Orlando Rendon. “Hunger never takes a break, even when school is out.”