A Bucks County mom admitted on Tuesday night that she had repeatedly kicked her 2-year-old daughter who later died.
Kayla Moore, 23, of Falls Township, was facing charges of criminal homicide, aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child in connection to her daughter’s death on Monday, CBS3 reported. RELATED:Baby’s death at day care center suspicious: Police Athena Wolfe, 2, was hospitalized Sunday and flown to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia where she died the following day after suffering from respiratory distress and suspected bleeding in her brain, Philly.com stated. Doctors who examined the child noticed that she had been beaten and may have been malnourished, CBS3 added. Authorities ruled the cause of her death to be homicide by blunt force trauma.
On Tuesday night, Moore admitted to Falls Township detectives that she had kicked the toddler’s head and torso before the child was hospitalized on Sunday, according to published reports.
RELATED:Staten Island babysitter indicted for murder in torture, death of toddler: DA Wolfe lived with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, Philly.com reported. The boyfriend does not appear to have had any charges filed against him.
Moore was denied bail and was being held at Bucks County Prison, reports stated.
Mom faces charges in beating death of 2-year-old daughter

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