SEPTA has added additional stops along the the Market-Frankford line and the Broad Street Subway for the weekend of pope’s visit following calls from the community for more service.
Related: Ask SEPTA, Papal visit
The agency has also released new maps that show how far visitors will have to walk to get to a papal mass on Sept. 27.
The changes come amid complaints that the transit agency’s curtailed service on those two lines would have created huge walking distances. Under the new plan, the Market-Frankford Line and Broad Street Subway will offer both express and local service — though even the local service offers significantly fewer stops than normal. Related: Miles in their shoes
Here’s the plan:
Market-Frankford Line Eastbound Express Service: Will run from 69th Street Transportation Center directly to 30th Street Station. These same trains will then continue with Local service, stopping at 8th Street Station, 2nd Street Station; Girard Station; Huntingdon Station; Allegheny Station; ErieTorresdale Station; Arrott Transportation Center; and Frankford Transportation Center. • Market-Frankford Line Eastbound Local Service: Trains will originate at 60th Street Station, with stops at 52nd Street Station; 34th Street Station; 30th Street; 8th Street; 2nd Street; Girard; Huntingdon; Allegheny; Erie-Torresdale; Arrott Transportation Center; and Frankford Transportation Center. • Market-Frankford Line Westbound Express Service: Trips will operate from Frankford Transportation Center directly to 2nd Street, then continue with Local service to 8th Street; 30th Street; 34th Street; 52nd Street; 60th Street; and 69th Street Transportation Center. Market-Frankford Line Westbound Local Service: Trips will originate at Arrott Transportation Center, with stops at Erie-Torresdale; Allegheny; Huntingdon; Girard; 2nd Street; 8th Street; 30th Street; 34th Street; 52nd Street; 60th Street; and 69th Street Transportation Center. Broad Street Line Northbound Express Service: Trains will run from AT&T Station directly to Walnut-Locust Station. These trains will continue with Local service to Spring Garden Station; Cecil B. Moore Station; North Philadelphia Station; Erie Station; Olney Transportation Center; and Fern Rock Transportation Center. • Broad Street Line Northbound Local Service: Trains will operate from Snyder Station to WalnutLocust; Spring Garden; Cecil B. Moore; North Philadelphia; Erie; Olney Transportation Center; and Fern Rock Transportation Center. Broad Street Line Southbound Express Service: Trains will run from Fern Rock Transportation Center directly to Spring Garden; these trains will continue with Local service to Walnut-Locust; Snyder; and AT&T Station. Broad Street Line Southbound Local Service: Trains will originate at Olney Transportation Center, with stops at Erie; North Philadelphia; Cecil B. Moore; Spring Garden; Walnut-Locust; Snyder; and AT&T Station. Riders will be able to used tokens, trailpasses and transpassesduring the papal visit to ride city buses, the Market Frankford Line and the Broad Street Line. The transit agency is also offering a $10 pass for the weekend of the papal visit. People who purchased weekly or monthly transit passes will receive a credit to be used toward the purchase of a future pass to make up for the inconvenience of limited service during the pople’s visit.
SEPTA expands service for papal visit