For those who were hoping that this year’s Philadelphia Flower Show might showcase some ganja, all your hopes are dashed as the show has canceled any such shenanigans, reported. The annual Philadelphia Flower Show which claims it dates back to 1829, usually showcases “an amazing world of great gardening and design” which apparently does not include weeds – of any variety. RELATED:Pennsylvania pot arrests drop in 2015,Phillyleads in statewide decline However, Philly NORML, a local legalization group, claimed differently and even published a post announcing their debut at this year’s floral festival. This, according to show spokesman Alan Jaffe, just wasn’t true. “They told the people that coordinate the booths in the marketplace that they would not have any advocacy materials regarding legalization of marijuana [at] the show, so they accepted the application. They misrepresented what they’re going to do,” Jaffe told “We’ve told them they can’t be part of the Flower Show.” RELATED:Vets protest for weed to fight suicide rate According to Jaffe, the group promised that it was going to stay apolitical. The NORML blog post that announced their show debut though, said otherwise: “This is a ground-breaking opportunity for all cannabis activists to reach and educate a huge number of influencers. We’re cooking up some prime educational pieces, we’ll be rolling out a state-wide decriminalization initiative, we’ll be converting skeptics, and educating people who have only ever known ‘reefer madness’. Prohibition’s time is over, and your participation could help immensely.” So for now, it seems as though we won’t be seeing any green, of that kind at least, at the Philadelphia Flower Show.
“We try to stay nonpolitical in who we bring into the Flower Show and who we partner with, and we want to avoid this topic completely. We don’t want anybody to be offended,” Jaffe explained. Matt Lee is a Web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely@mattlee2669.
Sorry, but no weed at the Philadelphia Flower Show

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