Union busting, now busted car?

Summer will provide no respite from accusations of South Philadelphia political shenanigans. Republican mayoral candidate Karen Brown filed police reports and alerted District Attorney Seth Williams that her and her husband’s vehicles were vandalized near their home.

Someone allegedly poured “aircraft stripper” acid on her husband Lee Buchanan’s Cadillac while parked on 10th Street near Moore sometime Thursday morning.

A block away, Brown said her car’s passenger-side door was keyed and driver-side front tire was punctured. The police report estimates damage to that car at about $1,000.

Brown hinted the vandalism was politically motivated, noting a post on Metro’s website (and Daily News and Public Record stories) about her going to Washington, D.C., and wanting to eliminate the teachers union.

She also said she’s gotten a litany of “nasty phone calls, but that could be anyone since my cell phone number is on thousands of cards I’ve handed out while canvassing.”

“[The police] asked if I had any problems with neighbors. It’s not from the neighborhood.

People from my civic group live on my block,” she said. “It’s all politically motivated. It’s just, I don’t know, I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing.”

Williams confirmed that Brown alerted him but “can’t confirm what, if anything, happened.”