A popular Baltimore Avenue hair salon will be shut down Saturday as the entire staff heads to the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington.
“It felt really important for us to attend,” said Angel Indelicato, manager at Talking Headz Salon, located at 49th and Baltimore streets in West Philly. “I don’t really know if it’s going to be totally overwhelming or not.” Owner Heather Deforrest decided to shut the salon for a day because all of the staff felt so strongly about attending the Women’s March.
The staff of 12 is meeting before 5 a.m.at 30th Street Station on Saturday to head to Washington.
Massive crowds are expected, and there are already multiple restrictions in place: protesters can’t bring signs on sticks, and only clear plastic bags are allowed, no backpacks.
“We will all be wearing green handkerchiefs to not lose each other,” Deforrest said.
As far as why they’re going? Their opposition to Trump is so deeply felt that it’s hard to explain.
“The whys are so obvious,” Deforrest said.
“It’s about supporting each other, solidarity and taking action,” Indelicato said. “I have the privilege of not having to work that day … so I need to do this for the people who can’t.” As hair stylists, the Talking Headz staff has been exposed to their customers’ frustrations with Trump as well.
“I’ve always been like, ‘Yeah, it’s obvious why he sucks,’” Indelicato said. “But it’s been really interesting with the clientele that comes in here, hearing a completely different facet of why so many people don’t like him.” Those range from feeling that Trump represents the “silencing of women” and “everyday misogyny” to stories from people whose families were personally hurtfinancially by various operations of the Trump empire. For those people, having Trump as president “brings up your traumain a daily venue,” Indelicato said.
West Philly salon staff takes day off to protest Trump

Sam Newhouse